..Symbol of Protection...1

    * Red string bracelets, are a ritual artifact, not a fashion statement. And they are not limited to Kabbalah; red strings represent an article of faith in a number of different beliefs.
The practice is an ancient one in Central Asia and is shrouded in mythological mist in countries like China. 
* Kabbalists believe that negative energies can enter people's lives through the "evil eye," which is when someone looks at you with envy and jealousy.  Kabbalists' goal is to rid their lives of, protect themselves from and reject negative energy from the evil eye by wearing the bracelet 24 hours a day, seven days a week. To be effective, the string must be wool, dyed red and worn on the left wrist. 
* In Hindu tradition, sacred red string bracelets are known as "kalava" or "mauli," which translates to "above all."
* Red strings are used in Tibetan Buddhist traditional ceremonies that include tying on holy cotton threads.
* The Red String of Fate or the Red String of Destiny is a Chinese legend that explains how two people who are destined to be together are connected by an invisible red string. The red string symbolizes soulmates.
* Red string bracelets are often given as general symbols of blessing and wishes for a successful outcome, in marriage or any new venture.
